
These are some testimonials that have been sent in by users:

Jeff Fritz

Outstanding work. Installation was extremely smooth and easy — and it actually works, compared to my bad experience with MovableType. Got me up and running in nearly 10 minutes. WP combines all great aspects of web design — Valid XHTML, slick CSS, and even some sexy javascript in the bookmarklets. What a great piece of script. It’s more than a script. It’s nearly a full out content management system. You could package this baby and sell it for two hundred bucks, but you don’t. Open source is awesome. Keep up the great work, guys.

— Jeff Fritz

Ever since I’ve made the switch from NewsPro and other small news scripts to run my site, to a full blown WordPress backend my site has never ran more smoothly. WordPress gives me the options and config options I need to run my site.

„It’s also dead easy to change the template, or create your own, which is great because I would be lost if I had to recode the backend to do such things! WordPress is my journal backend solution, and will be for a long time to come.

Thanks to the everyone involved, and keep up the great work guys!

— Jeremy Shields
Jeremy Shields

Prior to WordPress, I played around with web log applications such as Movable Type (MT) and phpWeblog (pW). I tried setting up MT but found there was a lot of ad hoc programs needed to be installed not supported by the ISP. The second one pW also failed to install properly. I decided to sit and wait for a while, scout for more information. The wait was quite long, about three to six months until I stumbled into a web log containing a mention of WordPress (WP). It took another 4 to 8 weeks of lazily going through the documentation of getting it up and running. Finally, I took the code and was able to install it in less than one hour. Well, there you have it, a working web log named In Principio.

Overall, Word Press is the easiest to install and maintain by far. Thanks to the WordPress team.

— Nymia

I needed to set up a full-blown database-driven Web site. I figured if I spent entire weekend on it, it should go live by Sunday night. With WordPress the entire process took about 6 hours, most of which was playing with CSS and reading the documentation to get the tags I wanted displayed.

— Alex Moskalyuk
Alex Moskalyuk

I took a chance and installed WordPress. As with many cms scripts, I prepared to encounter some challenges with installation and configuration and disappointments in functionality. Instead, I was pleasantly surprised to discover how powerful and easy to use WordPress is.

— Emory